Consuming a variety of nutritious organic fruits supplies the body with antioxidants and nutrients that can improve general health. Some good choices of fruits include apples, mangoes, oranges, avocadoes, bananas, and blueberries among many others.

Fruits are rich in fiber and a great source of important minerals and vitamins. Flavonoids are just one of the many antioxidants found in fruits that improve health. A diet rich in fruits can lower an individual’s likelihood of getting diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and inflammation. Berries and citrus fruits may be particularly effective in warding off illness.
Citrus fruits like lemons are used in traditional medicine because of their many health advantages. They include antioxidants like as vitamin C, just like other citrus fruits. The health of humans depends on antioxidants. These substances absorb free radicals, which can harm cells within the body and cause illnesses like cancer.
Scholars opine that the flavonoids present in lemons as well as other citrus fruits possess antimicrobial, antitumor, and antidiabetic characteristics. Lemons and other citrus fruits are rich in phytochemicals, which are beneficial to health. Among these are: folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, and pectin.
Vegetables are essential part of our diet as they serve as a source of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and glucosinolates etc. They are usually taken for nutrition, health maintenance, as well as for their therapeutic values and disease prevention.

Green leafy Vegetables, for instance, spinach, amaranth, and bathua are low-cost sources of folic acid. The most effective way to overcome vitamin deficits is through vegetables. A well-chosen combination of vegetables can supply the daily recommended intake of vitamin and folate, in addition to substantial quantities of other vital mineral components necessary for human health. In addition, since most vegetables are short-term crops, they work well in various multiple and intercropping systems and can produce large yields and rapid financial returns for their growers.
The main objective of choosing and growing organic vegetables is to maximize the health and efficiency of the interconnected soil, plant, animal, and human ecosystems. Nutrition and food security is a major global concern. Vegetables play an immense role in ensuring nutritional security; this, their production need to be enhanced. Organic farming has the dual goals of environmental protection and system sustainability in the current scenario of climate change and global warming.